Barton Jahncke (Loose String Child) - Ballpoint

This next poem also comes from a very talented artist from Winterset, Iowa; Barton Jahncke! If you are interested in submitting work, you still have time! Send your work to


Loose String Child - Ballpoint

I've never used ballpoint because it was irreversible.
There was no eraser so if I wanted to get rid of a mistake,
I'd scratch over the unwanted words blocking out the verse from my sight,
but still leaving me with the inky blue lines.
I created evidence of something that wasn't meant to be, there was no button to delete my browse history 
only a button that clicked inky blue scars into my paper rocket ship.
No backspace in this place 
but this ballpoint started a race 
that Neil Armstrong couldn't win.
I begin to fill out pages,
I begin to set stages,
The curtains have only started to open,
And this show is amazing.
A show of hands making fire
And now that paper is blazing
Passages make passages,
Doorways open into rooms
Connecting dots in my head
Revealing skeletons in their tombs,
Stoned I don't think so but I rock when I need to,
I'm in a brain cell now
Braking out with some spoons,
Making headlines in the news
How is that for a scoop,
When I take away my foundation 
The hole becomes a clue
But I do 
what it takes to escape 
The bars blocking my view.
I'm back out on the streets
But my records don't change
Yeah I may be free
what I did doesn't go away.

Even though the locks are broken 
I'm still in chains.
This inmate is innate and 
I am striving to escape 
What I live with everyday.
But you know
Freedom isn't free, dumb.
A price is paid for everything 
And I've been bought like a lunch
Before only one course 
now a complete meal
The stripes He earned and gave away
Like Kellogg's cereal 
Before I was a frosted flake
Now a honey nut cheerio.
Bring back that spoon so we can feast on some freedom.
I've got my notebook next to me 
and a fresh ballpoint pen
I think it's about time I started writing again
Only this time I don't need to erase 
It's already done by grace
So I can write with pride filling up the lines with the waves of the ocean blue ink
Crafting each individual grain of sand on this beach 
Only shade I'm gonna throw is from an umbrella fella I'm good and done being a free, dumb, felon.

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