" R.A.C.E." by Kimberly Eastburn
Good morning folks! Another installment for our "Leap of (poetic) faith" call and response. Today's poem comes from Kimberly Eastburn of Geneseo!
R.A.C.E. - Kimberley Eastburn
Hold on tight
Buckle up
This will be a bumping ride
Can't slouch or sink into seat
You gotta sit up straight
To take this to the streets
Not add a tweet
Cant compete with blood shed on concrete
Racial slurs and hateful speech
Coming to terms
Appreciate one another
Acknowledge, live out true love of the Father
We’re all created the same
Created by The Creator
No color or body shape
Is ever going to complete or change you
Or should compete against you
No more superior
In the church or in the world
We have to stop judging one another
Cease contradicting church behavior
Praying to God to save our neighbor
Then throwing shade instead of aid
Being weighed down from life
Swayed from the right way
Lost and looking for light
We have to mimic his Might
Apply the Word
Condition our conviction
Their constricted by addiction
Holding jurisdiction to step in and save
Are we really brave
When words of affliction
Are spoken simply to add hurts
Not tolerated by our Savior
Who is our judge, our vindicator?
Stop the hatin
Satan is going to keep battin
Through foolish words and selfish ways
We can't pretend this will all just go away
We need to address this head on as the body
We have different characteristics and flaws
But Christ still died for all
We are to love like Christ
Forgive, mend wounds from unforgiving and belligerent men
Pull scraps of ripped notebook paper back of bible
Purposely peer verses that speak truth
Take time to sit and close eyes
Meditate and articulate truth
That eradicate lies
Communicate with the Way
And let the rest fade
Our fight isn't with flesh and blood but power and rulers
Their job is to split apart and plunder
With hopes we’ll all hate and kill each other
We must work on seeking, speaking truth not disdain
We must act, think out through his love mercy and grace
To combat violence and all out massacre of hate
Neo Nazi members claiming to be Christian
Can you not see this is fiction
An all out contradiction of the Word?
Not punching each other's face
Or stabbing and shooting in Christ name
God is not violent towards his people
Hell on Earth has been inevitable since the fall
But that doesn't mean we should ignore the brawl
Close eyes to corruption carried in the streets
‘Cause we have no right
To neglect one another
Don't live in defeat and hold onto deceit
How long will this passenger
Take the front seat?