Shaquille Valenti Jones - "November Rain in St. Tropez

November Rain in St. Tropez

roll up and smoke my sins away,
i'd like to go to St. Tropez,
maybe i'll go,
maybe i'll stay...

don't ask me if i'm scared to fly,
to tell the truth i'm terrified,
i've never been this high before.

roll up and smoke my sins away,
November rain in St. Tropez,
colour me in,
when clouds are grey.

don't ask me if i'm scared to cry,
i whine inside this lullaby.
i've never been this high before.

roll up and smoke my sins away,
i've chained my brain in St. Tropez,
et lá je vois,
ma liberté.

don't ask me if i'm scared to die,
christ sighed as he was crucified,
"i've never been this high before."

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